The Garden This Summer + BABY ADLER
The Vine and Fig Tree garden did great this season! Snap peas, green onions, many kale varieties, and beets filled out tables. We give thanks for this amazing plot of land, and continue to tend it as carefully as we can.
Last spring, the Aikins-Hills girls emptied out their saved-up allowance money, and we drove to New Jersey to buy 4 new special chicks to add to their brood. They are Silkies and a Silkie/Cochin mix. (They are curious-looking fowl, looking a bit like a hybrid of chicken and alpaca.) Two of them started laying a couple of weeks ago – and, as you can see, their eggs are quite small compared to a regular-sized laying hen egg. They are really funny to watch and like to challenge each other by bumping chests in a hilarious sparring gesture. Speaking of things growing, we were blessed to welcome into the community the beautiful new daughter Adler Dodds of our community members Cammie and Sean Dodds. She’s quite the cutie, and has a built-in village in which to be raised.